Locusts - Viewer's Plague


Locusts 10 Modern Plagues Participation piece

The images on this page were a one night "test" installation of Locusts - Viewer's Plague at Temple Ohev Shalom in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.  Participants were asked to write down what they thought was a plague of our time.

Audience participation on Locusts

The responses varied. Some people wrote down personal plagues in their lives such as Multiple Sclerosis and Auto-Immune Disease, or Cystic Fibrosis. Other comments were influenced by the pending national election or global issues.  

Audience answering prompt: What is the plague of our time?

Discussion about the 10 Modern Plagues has itself initiated many profound conversations even if individuals are not familiar with the biblical plagues. These discussions have reinforced my intent and confidence that the visual metaphors will inspire thoughts & action.

Everyone is invited to write down their own Modern Plague of the Hebrew letters for Locusts.

Here is a list of the Modern Plagues from viewers on the first time is was shown: Extreme poverty and lack of education;  Cancers; Sexual Abuse; Disregard for Chia (Mother Earth); Cell phones; Hunger; Political contention; Lack of potable water; Autism; hearing loss; Domestic Violence; Misogyny; ,Trump; Cystic Fibrosis; Antibiotic resistant bacteria; World out of Balance due to women being silenced, ridiculed, hidden and de-valued!;  Dope addiction;   Mental health; Graduation rates;  Hunger; Politics and crazy candidate; Bipolar Disease; Heart disease; food, Diabetes; Apathy; Trump; Bullying! Common Core; cancer' Bullying; Domestic Violence; Auto-immune disease like M.S.!; Genetic disorders; Donald Trump x 2 x 3; Being judgmental, not respecting others' opinions;  Treatment of the poor, the disenfranchised and the disabled veterans; mental health, PTSD; Overuse of technology vs. person to person connections; Mean people!; politics!; terrorists.

Note: This was first displayed in October 2016 right before the 2016 National U.S. Election. Politics and trumps were a heated topic. 


Close - up of viewer's comments about what they think is a "modern plague."

Sexual Abuse; Cell Phones; Bullying; Disregard of Gaia (Mother Earth, ) 

Sexual Abuse; Cell Phones; Bullying; Disregard of Gaia (Mother Earth, ) 

Treatment of the poor, the disenfranchised, and the disabled veterans; Donald Trump; Being judgmental, not respecting other's opinions; Divisiveness.  

Treatment of the poor, the disenfranchised, and the disabled veterans; Donald Trump; Being judgmental, not respecting other's opinions; Divisiveness.  

World out of balance due to women being silenced, ridiculed, hidden, and de-valued!and;  Dope addicted; Antibiotic Resistant Disease,   

World out of balance due to women being silenced, ridiculed, hidden, and de-valued!and;  Dope addicted; Antibiotic Resistant Disease,   

For future exhibitions I plan to create a tablet of paper in the shape of the Hebrew letters that will look exactly like what you see here. As the letters are covered with people's comments, you will be able to remove a sheet of paper which can then be posted in a hallway, or conversation area to provoke further thoughts  and discussion.

While I have given a great deal of thought and planning into my 10 Modern Plagues, there is no one answer.