Photo Credit: Philip Cohen

Photo Credit: Philip Cohen

This mirror is autobiographical reference to the difficulty of being a whole person while feeling fractured by the many demanding roles of artist, mother, wife, cook, gardener, exercise instructor, maven, volunteer, and advocate. How can women possibly measure up to the standards of beauty in every magazine, on television and in the movies, all while filling every role demanded by professional and personal aspirations?  

This painful reality is reflected in the current news about young girls and how they feel about their bodies after being on social media. How can we possibly compare to standards of beauty portrayed in media and by social influencers?

Mirror and frame constructed from pre-printed steel from recycled tin cans, aluminum rivets. 

23.25" height x 19.5" width x 3" depth

Permanent Collection of the Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit, MI


 © Harriete Estel Berman, 1996-1999, 2021