Checking the Cost of Gun Violence, 2016
Repurposed vintage check-writing machine, gun, 89 shells from bullets, recycled tin, paint, silver, screws.
Artist: Harriete Estel Berman
The check-writing machine is sitting on a pool of blood made from a sheet of red tin cans. This is not a liquid or fluid material, it just looks like it is.
Dimensions: 8" ht. x 15.5" w. x 16" d. Photo credit: Philip Cohen
Written on the front of this check-writing machine in lettering from recycled tin cans:
EACH DAY in AMERICA there are 31 murders, 55 suicides, 2 accidental deaths, 1 death by police action. If not killed, 219 injured by guns each day. 89 deaths by guns each day. 32, 514 people are killed by guns each year. $627 million costs in a year.
Sources for statistics is the Brady Campaign To Prevent Gun Violence
What is the cost of gun violence?
Each year the statistics on gun violence become more shocking. Research for “Checking the Cost of Gun Violence” revealed astonishing statistics.
Four years ago, one source calculates that every citizen in the US is effectively writing a check for $700 each year to cover the nationwide cost of gun violence.
Now the statistics are more shocking!!!!!!!!’
Every day, 310 people are shot in the United States. Among those:
100 people are shot and killed
210 survive gun injuries
95 are injured in an attack
61 die from suicide
10 survive a suicide attempt
1 is killed unintentionally
90 are shot unintentionally
1 is killed by legal intervention
4 are shot by legal intervention
1 died but the intent was unknown
12 are shot but the intent was unknown
Every day, 21 children and teens (1-17) are shot in the United States. Among those:
4 die from gun violence
2 are murdered
17 children and teens survive gun injuries
8 are injured in an attack
2 children and teens either die from suicide or survive a suicide attempt
8 children and teens are shot instances of family fire — a shooting involving an improperly stored or misused gun found in the home resulting in injury or death
Every year, 113,108 people are shot. Among those:
36,383 people die from gun violence
12,830 are murdered
76,725 people survive gun injuries
34,566 are injured in an attack
22,274 die from suicide
3,554 survive a suicide attempt
496 are killed by legal intervention
1,376 are shot by legal intervention
295 die but the intent was unknown
4,471 are shot but the intent is unknown
509 women are killed by their husband or male dating partner*
above statistics from Key Gun Violence, Brady Campaign
Each year, the U.S. spends $2.8 billion treating gunshot wounds in emergency room and hospital charges in the United States each year.
A gun in a household doubles the risk of homicide and triples the risk of suicide in that household.
The 89 shell casings from bullets represent the number of deaths each day to gun violence in the United States. This statistic was from several years ago. I don't understand how we continue to see these mass shootings in the news without any changes in our gun laws.
This artwork was included in the exhibition titled Imagine Peace Now.
Checking the Cost of Gun Violence at the Society of Arts and Crafts, Boston, MA
Photo Credit: Eric Petersen
Do guns deter crime or enable violence? Can we reduce or check the prevalence of gun violence? Check the evidence!
Exhibition announcements (shown below) for the traveling show Imagine Peace Now featured my sculpture “Checking the Cost of Gun Violence.”
Click on either of these postcard images (above) to see installation shots at East Carolina University School of Art and Design.
This exhibition was organized by Boris Bally.
Previous venues include:
Wellington B Gray Gallery, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC
November 2016 - January 2017Boston’s Society of Arts and Crafts, Boston, MA
February - June 2017Kentucky Center for African American Heritage, Louisville, Kentucky
January - March 2018Craft Alliance Center of Art and Design, St. Louis, MO
April - May 2018Radius Gallery, Tannery Arts Center, Santa Cruz, CA
October - November 2018
Purchase this beautiful full color catalog for the exhibition I.M.A.G.I.N.E. Peace Now.
Every artist in the traveling exhibition is included in the catalog.
Studio Images of "Checking the Cost of Gun Violence" in progress
Click on the images in this gallery for a description of this sculpture in progress.

Fabrication of Checking the Cost of Gun Violence includes hydraulic matrix die form for fabricating a new gun handle grip from recycled tin cans. Traditional silversmithing hollowware skills were used to form the red recycled tin for pool of blood. (This is the original red finish on the tin can ans it was not repainted) Riveting for lettering assembly. Lettering is from recycled tin cans. Grinding and polishing to retrofit disabled gun to fit checking machine handle. Paint for blood on the check writing machine, tap & die.
More Interesting Videos and Articles:
What Does Gun Violence in America Really Cost? (youtube video)
Making A Killing: Guns, Greed & the NRA • from BRAVE NEW FILMS
MarieClaire Magazine online has extensive statistics and articles about Women & Guns.
© Harriete Estel Berman, 2021